

Things I'm learning about this place.

1. It is beautiful. I actually think I fell in love with the landscape before I knew anything about this city. It's beautiful (so far) in an "I-can-actually-breathe-up-here" kind of way, which I've experienced only a handful of times during my 22 years in Texas. Fall is on the way and I'm anxiously anticipating my first snowy winter. So, wherever we go in life, I think I've decided that I'd like trees to be there. Stay tuned for a post on the Smokies, with which I will surely fall in love.

2. This is where God has called me. I hate admitting this, but my journey to Kentucky has been longer and more difficult than anyone anticipated. When I felt the Lord calling me this far from home, I froze. The thought of leaving my friends, family and most of what I mistakenly believe my identity depends on petrified me. But Keller has been good enough to let me get to Kentucky at my own pace, and God has been so gracious in reminding me that I will rarely be called to easy places. This hasn't exactly looked the way I planned, (a full-time job waiting for me when I got here, a perfectly wife-ready heart) but community and sanctification are so much sweeter.

3. Waiting is good. We are in several in-between seasons at the moment, which I'm usually horrible at. In between dating and marriage, in between a part-time job and a full-time job. In between homes. We are nomads in every sense, and the Lord is teaching me to press into that. Waiting to walk into covenant with someone is good in the same way advent is good and in the same way waiting to come face to face with Jesus is good. After all, I'm literally waiting to marry my favorite person in the world. There are far worse things to wait for, you guys. Like 5 million worse things.

4. It's transforming me. I've seen more of my heart in the last two weeks than in the last several years of college. Part of it's engagement, part of it's the community we've been placed in, but most of it is the fact that God has used this (seemingly) overwhelming amount of change to dig up the most rotted, tucked-away parts of my heart. My sin is the most bitter, but life found in the spirit is sweet beyond words.  Also, bold, Christian community is terrifying and so, so good. 

5. On a semi-unrelated note--wedding planning is easier when you decide it's for the people coming to your wedding. When I started thinking of it as a chance to celebrate the people we love most in the whole world, picking caterers and cake and confetti and garlands and music became much more fun. I'm finding that wedding details are as important as you decide they are. Who knew?

Anyway, love from ky.

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